So I was out this morning on a bit of a bike ride around the Capitol City Trial (a very nice bike track by the way) and ran into a rather large group of runners doing the local marathon, 10K etc. Not unusual and a bloody good effort by all taking part. Besides all the sweaty runners and that look on their faces that said, “what was I bloody thinking”, I was struck by all the supporters. I reckon there were more supporters than runners! And they were enthusiastically banging cowbells and shouting tonnes of encouragement. This reminded me of all the dairy farms I visited during my idyllic New Zealand childhood (cue Lord of the Rings music, cut to mountain scene with young Nigel looking over the Crown Ranges, his faithful pet kiwi on his shoulder…). Oh sorry got away from me that.
The obvious implication of the cowbells was that these runners were being herded and thus by extension were cows or sheep. And to what fate they were being led who knows? However it also stuck me that American’s are such a positive people. Sitting in the rain (oh did I mention I was biking in the rain – Im so good) Americans are a really encouraging a positive people. Another example - on the way to work each day I pass the free Entrepreneurs Clinic at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (set up by Wisconsin alumni John Morgridge, ex CEO of Cisco). This, if nothing else, is a great illustration of the American spirit –have go, go out and make your fortune.
And this makes me wonder why we Australians are such “no” sort of people? The tall poppy syndrome rains supreme and we all suffer for it. It instils in us the idea that we couldn’t possibility be world class, have a fundamentally brilliant idea, write a great novel, or invent a must-have product, must-see movie, or life-saving drug. This is despite the fact that we have done, are doing, and will keep doing, it.
Worse, it seems, if you actually dare to be a success. Take poor Cate Blanchard, getting a gobful right now for daring to be rich and yet having the gall to have an opinion about the carbon tax and say so on a TV ad. By the way she is apparently worth $50m or so but I suspect these numbers come from a very dark place – you can find it by bending over, looking down, well you get the idea. The (stupid) argument is that “well, she wont be affected she is rich”. For god sake folks, we will all be affected by this, especially our children’s children. So she has made a few bucks, most likely due to her bloody hard work and sacrifice (and great bone structure of course). Good on her and well done. We will, of course, all deny we are taking her down but the tall poppy mantra lurks there underneath our so called national pride. Oh lots of you wot agree I’m sure but hey its my blog – get your own if you want to pontificate.
So why are we a negative sort of people? Well there are lots of ideas. One is that if someone else has success then there will be less left for me. Bit silly really – success is only limited by your desire to seek it. There is no guaranteed you will have any despite your best efforts but I can assure you wont have any just sitting around waiting for it to find you.
Me - I reckon it’s just a reflection of our current state as a nation, still holding onto the skirts of the empire and unable to really move on with pride. Now I’m of to find me some of the success (in the lab) and join the Australian Republican Movement.